
This is a big long picture blog ... you can return to my main blog page by clicking here.

Anyone who knows me, knows I love to take a lot of photographs.

These days SLR camera make everyone a professional - or so it seems at least.
I'm certainly no Pro - not by a long shot, But I have a couple of  achievements under my belt.

I am totally self taught, I've had a number of cameras in my time, but only really got serious after buying my D7000, ditching the standard 18-105 kit lens and buying a Tamron 18-270 Di II Zoom and a 90mm f/2.8 SP Di Macro (Tamron with Nikon Connection).

I feel this is a very fine camera and kit for the mid range user.

There is a great D7000 review right here. I've always thought  DPREVIEW do good reviews and I bought my D7000 based on that. 

I was lucky enough to buy the very first one in NZ and had to preorder (and pay a fortune for it)  to get it. 

During 2012 I finally entered my first two photography competitions and achieved an honour for one of my 4 entries in each. 

Many other photos received Merits. I was very happy with that.

Everyone (obviously including those judges) sees different things in photos that - to them - make a photo better or not so flash.  

I tend to like landscapes and abstract type of  shots. I'm hopeless at portraits, and have just recently started working more on Macro shots.

have always done photography for fun, I would love nothing more than to make a living out of it, but it appears that is nigh-on impossible these days.
Anyway, enough wordy blurb. Take a look at some of my favourites below.

At the time I  wrote this blog (Feb 2015), my basic Portfolio count was as follows ...

Below are some of my favourite shots across this entire portfolio group (and a few Ive since added). 

You can enlarge any of these photos by clicking on them with your mouse.

I really would value your comments (at the very bottom).

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